Software Factory

Corporate Technology Services and Solutions Integrator

Transformación Digital, Design Thinking e Innovación

Digital Transformation

We optimize the workflow of your Legacy Processes, replacing them with advanced technological solutions.

Agile Development

We develop applications tailored to each particular requirement, with a multi-platform Cloud scope & mobile APPs.

Business Inteligence

Integramos datos provenientes de distintos orígenes en Tableros de Control para potenciar el proceso de toma de decisiones.

Challenging Times

The major global changes taking place are reshaping people's lives and work, leading to an increasingly competitive environment.

The acceleration of Digital Transformation enables companies to have greater agility in the decision-making process and faster analysis of data, thus enhances interaction and collaboration among different task forces, attaining increased efficiency in critical business processes.

We are the strategic partner your Company needs to drive its tech development projects forward.

Our Solutions are built on these pillars


Our tools integrate with each client's workflow in a smart way, simplifying their operations.


All activities carried out by users can be traced and audited systematically with customized settings.


Our interdisciplinary team develops innovative solutions based on years of experience and creativity.


Our Solutions have embedded the latest security models to protect all our customers key information.


We provide different scalability options to grow in your project without the need to start all over again.


We provide a smooth and satisfying user experience, with an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.


All our solutions are developed under the SaaS licensing model and have Cloud architecture so they can be accessed from any device connected to the internet.

SaaS licensing model is currently the choice of leading Software developers worldwide, allowing customers to get access to an application or software solution by keeping an active user license as long as they wish to keep this solution running .

This fee not only enables the use the application but also grants technical support and the prospect to customize the tool as needed to meet the ever-changing demands of your work environment. The result is a scenario of maximum flexibility, making the most of resources.


The strength of our team allows us to deliver a Proof of Concept (POC) or a Demo with the required main features within a 15-day timeframe and to have a fully operational Core module ready within timelines ranging from 60 to 120 days for a medium-sized project.

Comenzemos a trabajar juntos

We build over your ideas adding value and experience.

Customers who have trusted us

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